"Last week saw the launch of a new addition to the University and Career Programme, a package called: Career Investigator. The purpose of Career Investigator is to engage students with the the real world and to get them thinking about potential career choices. This also helps them focus their minds on their current courses and will be invaluable in guiding them through the pathways programme as they move towards M3. In M3 they will need to consider elective subject choices, in conjunction with their parents and the support of staff.
To date the students have had an introduction to potential careers, and had some interesting conversations with each other and their teachers. They have since completed an online questionnaire that asks them a series of questions based on a variety of areas related to careers. Once completed all of the students are sent a personalised career profile to promote discussion and this will be returned to in discussions with their Advisors, and the U&C Coordinator over the coming weeks.
Career Investigator will be rolling out to M2 and M3 over the coming weeks.
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