Sunday, 2 February 2014

21st Century Classroom


This weekend I´ve learnt a lot of new tricks regarding the Google suite of applications. I think one of the best things i´ve learnt this weekend is how to use scripts within google spreadsheets. There appear to be so many scripts available which really transform the use of google drive.

I also attended Betts where I met with a number of proactive teachers and learners, some of the most impressive were with regards to the development if ideas behind flipping the classroom. I´ve been developing many of these ideas independently but it was fascinating to see so many different techniques and ideas, which I´ll be incorportating into my teaching practice. Check out my flipped online learning at Learning about the causes of the spanish civil war

Targets for next academic year will be

1. To take more teachers and students to BETTS in January 2015
2. Follow up on my inservice day in March to SIS teachers on Blended Learning My Presentation on blended learning
3. Development of more DP leader initiative in training (mac book programme) started in April 2014

ideas from BETT 2014


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  2. Follow on from Point 1. Take and MYP and a PYP teacher to BETTS to deliver CPD in SIS and following year take students to BETTS possibly to present

    1. We will be attending BETT 2015! Carmelo Sanchez for PYP and me for Secondary. Looking forward to gaining some new insights, CPD sessions and ideas to disseminate as SIS in the new year. Next stage after this will be to put together an SIS presenting team (Teachers or/And Students?)

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  4. Day 1 at BETT has been really informative. I gained some excellent new ideas for the use of social media in the classroom which I am looking forward to sharing with colleagues. Also much of the good practice that I follow in my teaching has been reflected in the dynamic governance models demonstrated in a number of the presentations I have so far attended.

  5. Tips for Twitter

    Using history or political accounts
    Paradoy accounts
    @KingHnryviii Henry Tudor

    Need to create research group to find relevant Twitter accounts

    Tweet pals
    Ask questions
    140 summary sum up books etc concise language set as hmwk task
    Breaking news
    Netiquette engage with parents get parents to follow me
    Exchange ideas @teachingideas

  6. Using podcasts in the classroom
    Spreaker dj
    Book creator
    Creative book builder

    Video collaboration in the classroom
    Morfo booth
    Lego movie creator (make history revision)

    Robotics in the classroom

    Documents in the classroom
    G docs
    Post-it plus

    Curation in the classroom
    Pinterest (all teachers should use)

    Explain in the classroom
    Explain everything (not free) 1.50

    Back channel in the classroom
    Twitter (make a hashtag for your classroom

    Digital leaders in the classroom
    Promote students in these roles

    Support digital learners
    Dlchat Twitter

    Learning together
    Google +
    iTunes U

  7. BETT ideas on flipping the classroom

    Righting the wrong flipping classroom
    Dr Ashley tan
    Education consultant

    Using a backchannel is good: set this up ( discuss with colleagues )

    Flipping is not about changing homework. Thinking about flipping is an Opportunity to question why we are giving homework.

    Voice thread: Perception of flipping can be to extend curriculum time. A bad idea.

    Flipped presentations made by students in advance for peers ( making students teachers)

    Learners as content creators: externalising using internal schema

    Learners as teacher: teachers become better at their content by teaching it, thus teachers should get students to teach

    Vertical learning: an SIS example would have been the core celebration.

    3sins of bad flipping:Same thing, question nature of homework, extend the curriculum


  8. Using mobile phones in the classroom.

    Ambit tac
    BYOD strategies

    Use of mobile phones
    Contradictions in school rules
    Use of mobile phones by adults setting examples
    Rethinking to allow them and teach students how to use them
    George c Marshall example

    1/focus on pedagogical values and responsibility
    2/Encourage but respect privacy rights
    3/Students learn how to use them

    Protocol discussed with staff

    A code access with permission
    R code recreation
    P code prohibit exams
    S code external use


    Student involvement
    Visual information

    Create school apps by students
    Parents using phones and QR codes around the school

  9. The last presentation today is by Sir Ken Robinson

    National education systems worldwide are being reformed to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. As a respected adviser to governments in Europe, Asia and the United States, Sir Ken argues in this powerful presentation that many countries are pushing reforms in the wrong direction. Drawing from his groundbreaking book, Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative, he explains why too many are locked into a model of education shaped by the Industrial Revolution and a narrow idea of academic ability. Urging schools and colleges everywhere to rethink their basic assumptions about intelligence and achievement, Sir Ken focuses on the vital questions: Why is it essential to promote creativity? What's the problem? Why do so many adults think they're not creative? Most children are buzzing with ideas. What happens to them as they grow up? What should be done? Is everyone creative or just a select few? Can creativity be developed? If so, how? In exploring these questions, Sir Ken argues for radical changes in how we educate all students to meet the extraordinary challenges of living and working in the 21st century. Takeaways include: o How education wastes more talent than it saves o The three core objectives of 21st Century education o Why we're all smarter than we think o What schools and colleges should do, and how governments should help
