"On Thursday, Sotogrande was visited by nearly 40 Universities as part of our University & Career Programme. We also hosted 8 other international schools from along the coast, who came to participate in the event. Over the course of the day there were numerous opportunities for our students to question the Universities, and in the afternoon we ran 4 application seminars for our Diploma students to attend. Many parents were also able to visit the event in the afternoon, and the Universities can be quoted as saying, “that we all agreed that today was the best [university convention]” that they had attended this year! There was positive feedback from the students, with excellent support from Diploma students in many different roles. One parent of an M5 student summed up the importance of the convention from their perspective with these words, “It is really helpful that you start this process [university choices] early, as they need time to consider their options and focus their minds prior to selecting their diploma subjects. It is great that they have time to reflect and that it isn't a rushed decision.The University Convention helps bring this decision making, to life and gives us all an opportunity to understand what the universities are looking for in their applicants. I am sure this familiarity with the requirements and processes gives the students an advantage when applying.” It was also a positive step in raising our profile, with Universities globally. It is unquestionably true that if admissions staff are aware of SIS, and the calibre of our students, then it will add to our students application profiles. Mitchell Stevens, a renowned Harvard Professor wrote that, “high school guidance counsellors in particular are crucial brokers of applicants at selective colleges because they have enduring and reciprocal beneficial relationships with admission officers.” and it is these events that develop that link, not only with the counsellor but also with the student. Chris Turner from Winchester University Admissions concluded yesterday by saying, “the fair was brilliant! We have been touring Spain visiting about 12 international schools in five days and the fair at Sotogrande was by far the best”.